The 5 minute film extract: 101:00- 106:00
This extract takes place between one hour and one minute and one hour and six minutes into the film. This is when Norman is in the sheriff's office because it is found that he has been the killer all along. Also, the psychiatrist is explaining to Marion’s sister and Sam why he killed Marion. This is near the climax and the resolution of the film and this is the only reason why the location of the police department is significant. The visual aspect in shown in the room where Norman s in confinement. The camera is static and focused on his face. The camera is only moves at the end of this segment. The issues in the extract are the mental confusion and disruption in Bate’s mind by his mother who is controlling him. This voiceover plays while Norman thinks to himself and this scene is not done in a very extravagant manner with a lot of filmic techniques and variety. This picture shows this scene.

Norman is very disturbed by the voice of his mother. Compared to the last scene, this one is darker and scarier because of the minimal lighting and Norman is in confinement of this room and there are no objects or people with him. It seems like he is trying to resist her but is trapped. This is further shown with the symbol of the fly which lands on Norman’s hand but he does not try and swat it or move his hand. This creates a tension in the film and an eerie sense of uneasiness. This is shown in this picture. The angle of the camera in this point of view shot shows Norman’s perspective and we learn that he is not controlling himself but his mother is. Anthony Perkins does a terrific job in acting in this scene. He is very sinister looking and stares deeply into the camera. It was very creepy to watch this.
The camera movement is not varied in the scene. It rarely actually ever moves other than when the psychiatrist is speaking to the sister of Marion in his office. Framing is important because some of the objects in his room can be symbols or motifs that were in the rest of the movie as well such as the painting of a bird in the location behind the psychiatrists head. The dialogue is limited and the audience feels awkward because it is a tense and sad moment in the film when the loose ends are being tied together. The score or music in the scene when Norman is just sitting against the wall is very eerie and suspenseful and we almost feel like we are in nightmare sequence when the two voices of Norman and his thought are disrupted by his mothers voice. It is very weird when they begin to speak at the same time and I have never seen this technique used before. Lighting is not very evident in either scene as well. Sound effects such as the buzzing of the fly are key because they enhagnce the tone which is very dark and scary. The stillness of the images we are being shown add suspense because we don’t know what will happen next. Editing in this extract is also simple.
I really enjoyed watching this film and this extract was particularly interesting to me. All of the loose ends were tied and we learn about why Hitchcock chose to include the things that he does in the rest of the film. The twist is shown and we see a conclusion. This extract was not very filmic but rather simple but all the more suspenseful and dark compared to the rest of the film. I think this picture below does a good job in showing Normans character and is symbolic of who his character is.
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