Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Script Reflection

Link to Script:

I was able to reference the films that I talked about especially in regards to the themes and culture between The City of God and also Boyz n Da Hood. I went through analyzing both films and talked about the historical aspects and society in both as well as the genre topic of the culture portrayed. I talked about the recurring themes within both films and showed how it was significant to the plot.

For my target audience, I wanted to make clear and concise connections between the films. I wanted the audience, probably some who has see both of these films, or someone who is eager to see either or both of the films. Or it can be someone who is interesting in watching these types of films which are action thrillers. A final example is the average movie goer and the general audience is teenagers who would understand this language. I argued my point and in the end the comparisons I made helped to fortify it.  The scope of my script focuses mainly on the cultural influences within the films.

I used a variety of sources for my script. These include many articles that I found online and even entire websites dedicated to the films that I analyzed. I also did happen to find an entire book that included many articles and analysis from different authors. Some of my other sources included articles that were specific to one type of filmic writing. One focuses primarily on the ound in film and a lot of this helped me when I was doing the dialogue portion of the script. The structure was pretty simple because I went in the order of events. However, my sources could have been better and this would help my writing improve.

The video and audio elements are described pretty well in the script. I made sure that I included many visual aspects as well as audio but the audio has way more detail and description in comparison to the other left column of my script.  I could have done a lot better on this and it ended up not being as good as I thought it would be in the end.  Both of my films relate to the topic question which was how the techniques used in the film contributed to creating culture and surroundings through the many aspects. I made some insightful comments although I could have made it a lot better in my opinion. I wanted to focus on dialogue and its use as well as various camera angles and techniques  and the influence on the theme of the film. When I talked about the culture I included the cinematography of the scenes.

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